A Resilient Adventurous Okie

Growing up in Oklahoma was a sheltered life with not a lot of money. My mother is an incredible oil painter who let me paint next to her. My older brother and sister are ruthless with banter and we learned to laugh at everything including the hard times. I learned to not take falling down so seriously. I worked incredibly hard in school so that I could go to university. I've had a job since I was 14 to pay for my orchestra competitions, to pay for being on a swim team, and to pay for my own car so that I could finish my last year of high school. I had to be extremely resourceful and resilient to attend DU. While my classmates drove cars more expensive than my family's entire home, I worked till midnight then studied till 3am only to get up and present at 8am. My mother worried my degree in design would leave me homeless and in debt. I have never given up only worked harder. My reward has been to travel, see the world, and learn what it means to be a human.

When I am not working, you'll find me outside exploring and trying new hobbies. I enjoy cycling, hiking, fishing, running, and skiing. My greatest thinking comes when I am disconnected, free from technology, and listening to the leaves rustle in the wind. I have lived in South Korea, traveled to 16 countries, 4 continents, and plan on going to Patagonia next.

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